bunp dot com

[where the cat girl posts]


a celebration!

Hooray !!! Welcome to my blog ! ^w^

This blog will be a place to post about, well, all kinds of things!

It'll be nice to try and stetch out my writing muscles, I don't really write as much as I ought to.

I'll be posting about video games I'm playing, movies I'm watching, music I'm listening to, comics/manga/books that I'm reading, etc etc.

Along with all the above, there will also be general life update stuff and some silly posts as well. :3

I'm very excited to work on this cool little website that I'm making for myself. I have lots of very cool ideas (imo) for what to write about on my blog and I think it will be a very fun time! ^_^

I'll go ahead and tease one idea that's bouncing around in my head that you may see very soon: a series of blog posts about UFO 50! With one (or possibly more) blog post(s) covering each game in this very awesome collection. It's only been a week since UFO 50 has come out and even if I've only played a tenth of the collection so far, it has been absolutely stunning. I'm excited to dig into all these games and process what I love, like, and maybe even dislike about them.

I have other possible ideas for blog series on here, but there's still so much I need to do on everything else in this website!

I still gotta do the about page, figure out how to post my years-long art archive onto here, maybe add a guestbook (and comments?), possibly get into a webring (???).

The possibilities are endless !!! It feels so awesome to have a place like this, tailored just for me. :3

I can meow all I want here, muahahaha >:3




(ok i'm done meowing hehe)

(also for anyone who doesn't like the color scheme right now, don't worry! it'll change in time as the seasons do, the colors and theming will change with time :>)

Anyways, thank you for reading this Official Introductory Blog Post for my website dot com.

I don't think I have any real catchy sign off to end this post with, so I'll just say: I hope you all have a wonderful day and night ^_^

last update: 9/27/2024