bunp dot com

[update archives]

listening to the bejewled 2 ost while doing website stuff


Hello again! A couple of new things to the website tonight, as I work at it near the midnight hour.

First thing, I've added an update archive! Just to archive all the lil website updates that I put on this front page.

It's mostly just for me, it'll be fun to scroll through them as this website updates more with time.

Second thing, I should have a new blog post up in the blog section!

It acts as a proper introduction and lays out some of the plans I have for it!

Extremely excited to have a cool website to update regularly. (I just hope that nothing is too broken or janky lol)

I don't really have a set schedule for website updates at the moment persay, but I have some momentum going and I wanna keep that up!

Won't be too long before another update will pop up on here, heheh

meow meow :3

staring into the crystal ball so hard that I make a website


wow, it's the second time I've updated the website!!!

somehow, i am able to keep my focus enough to do another update ! yes !!!

the big thing is that I have "implemented" a blog. (implemented in HEAVY airquotes, but it's functional enough for now)

there's a test post on it but not much else right now

i will make another blog post in the very near future that will be a proper introduction and say things that i wanna do with the blog and such :3

may also end up making an updates archive, that could be neat maybe, definitely wouldn't do to just have all the updates laid bare here

as always, website is a continuous work in progress

have a wonderful day !!! ^_^

they are drilling the website


1st official mini update, am now deeming this website good enough for public viewing

it's pretty bare bones at the moment but it's personalized enough that there isn't any visible placeholder stuff

am excited to add more stuff in the coming days, page is still very work in progress (as you can see from the fires)

will figure out what's up with the buttons looking weird... eventually (they work and that's whats important)

last update: 9/27/2024

work in progress